Avoiding Rowing Injuries Through Correct Technique
Here in the Seattle area, we are lucky to have a large and active rowing community. Seattle is home to the Windermere Cup the largest 1-day regatta in the Pacific…
Read MorePre-Surgical Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Outside of an emergency situation, such as a wrist fracture, treatment guidelines for carpal tunnel syndrome generally recommend exhausting non-surgical options before consulting with a surgeon. But how well are…
Read MoreNeck Pain and Cervical Disk Derangements
There are several musculoskeletal disorders associated with the disks of the cervical spine that can cause pain and affect function. Let’s discuss the various types of these pain-generating disk derangements,…
Read MoreA Different Perspective on Chronic Whiplash
It’s estimated that up to 50% of whiplash associated disorders (WAD) patients will continue to experience long-term symptoms that interfere with their ability to carry out activities of daily living.…
Read MoreHow Your Kitchen Can Help You Lose Weight
Chances are, you’re spending more time at home than usual recently. When you’re tired and hungry, sooften “what you see is what you eat”. What do you see when you…
Read MoreBack-Saving Tips for Spring Cleaning
Spring cleaning chores can come with unwanted pain if not done carefully. Bending and/or twisting at the waist is a common cause for upper and lower back pain. From washing…
Read More“Text Neck”
A Modern Epidemic of Poor Posture, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Arm/Hand Neurological Symptoms and Accelerated Spinal Degenerative Arthritis [“Text Neck” and “Tech Neck” are synonymous] On Monday, March 3, 2018,…
Read MoreThe Link Between Whiplash and Jaw Pain
While neck pain is most commonly associated with whiplash associated disorder (WAD), patients often report jaw or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain following a car accident, sport injury, or slip and…
Read MoreFEVER is not a bad thing
Fevers caused by the body’s immune system are not dangerous. While it can be frightening to have your child run a moderate to high fever, it is simply their body…
Read MoreGetting the most out of your insurance
At Corner on Wellness we understand how frustrating and stressful it can be for our patients to deal with insurance companies and claims. Here are some things to keep in…
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